Path to The Wealthy You

invest in Wealth Masterclass

One-Time Only Class

Do you know why only A Few Black women Succeed at understanding financial acumen?

They embrace taking risks.

They are confident and live with complete certainty.

They have a financial understanding.

Someone has shown them the ropes.

They are excited to ask questions.

They love learning and sharing information.

They execute what they learn.

They embody diligence and focus.

They know how to budget and save.

Carrying little debt to income.

Their circle talks about finances.

…and many other reasons.

If this is not your circumstance, I want you to have better.

If you are serious about doing something different this month for yourself and your family, this is the class for you. In this class, you will learn strategic investment strategies and financial management tips if you want to pursue the long-run money game.

I will even give some of the steps I took to pay off over $120,000 in consumer debt in 14 months. I’ve helped develop strategies for a $14 billion company to save $10+ million that they would have missed to secure their investments. I have also created money plans for my clients to become debt-free. In a short space of six months, I’ve helped my clients pay off an average of $60,000 towards credit cards, student loans, car loans, 401k Plans, and more. Helping others plan their finances has been my mission since 2018.

In the Invest in Wealth Masterclass, you will learn:

  • Recommended options to open up your Generational Wealth Investment Account

  • What are Stocks, EFTs, and REITs, and determine which one is for you

  • How to read and analyze stock charts for future forecast

  • The simplified way to understand the most common stock valuation metrics

  • Options for wealth accounts for kids

  • How To Determine The Best Budget For Your Household

  • How To Be More Intentional About Where Your Money Goes

  • Ways To Create Extra Income

  • How to transform and make a commitment to shift your mindset

One-Time Only Class:

  • Saturday, May 4th at 10 am


A lucky winner will be selected for one of the following free gifts (valued at $59.99):

    • Wealth Tracker Worksheet

    • Goal Reflection Journal

    • Release Money Fear Worksheet

    • Hardcover I AM Wealth Gratitude & Financial Journal

This class is for $99.00 for a few days and the price will go up.

Click below to book your seat.

Do you love to journal? Click the link to purchase our amazing Wealth Manifesting journal from our store.